Chord Transposer

Category: Music

Transpose chord progressions between different keys. Enter your chord progression and select the original and target keys to get your transposed chords.

Enter Chord Progression

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About Chord Transposition

What is Transposition?

Transposition means changing a piece of music from one key to another. This is useful when:

  • Adjusting a song to fit a singer's vocal range
  • Making a piece easier to play on certain instruments
  • Learning to play in different keys to improve musical understanding
How Transposition Works

When you transpose chords, each chord moves the same number of steps up or down the musical scale. The relationship between chords stays the same, but the absolute pitches change.

Common Chord Notation
  • Major chords: C, D, E, etc.
  • Minor chords: Cm, Dm, Em (or C-, D-, E-)
  • Dominant seventh: C7, D7, E7
  • Major seventh: Cmaj7, Dmaj7 (or CM7, DM7)
  • Minor seventh: Cm7, Dm7
  • Suspended: Csus4, Dsus2
  • Augmented: Caug, C+ (rare in pop music)
  • Diminished: Cdim, C°
Circle of Fifths

The circle of fifths shows relationships between keys. Neighboring keys on the circle have only one note different, making them closely related.

What Is the Chord Transposer?

The Chord Transposer is a helpful tool for musicians who want to shift a chord progression from one key to another. This is known as transposition, and it allows you to adjust a song to better fit your vocal range, match another instrument, or practice in different keys.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, this tool makes it quick and easy to transpose chords without needing to calculate intervals manually.

Transposition Formula

New Note Index = (Original Note Index + Semitone Shift) mod 12

Each note in the chord is moved by a specific number of semitones based on the difference between the original and target keys.

How to Use the Chord Transposer

Follow these simple steps to transpose your chord progression:

  • Enter Chords: Type your chord progression into the input box. Separate each chord with a space. Example: C Am F G7
  • Select Keys: Choose the original key and the target key you want to transpose into.
  • Adjust Display Options: Use the checkboxes to customize what you'd like to see:
    • Show notes within chords
    • Prefer flat (♭) or sharp (#) notation
    • Display Roman numeral analysis
    • Include guitar chord diagrams
  • Click "Transpose": Instantly view the new chords in the selected key.
  • Optional: Use the "Play Progression" button to hear the chords, or "Reset" to start over.

Why Use This Tool?

Transposing by hand can be time-consuming, especially with more complex progressions or unfamiliar keys. The Chord Transposer streamlines this process and helps you:

  • Quickly adapt songs for different singers or instruments
  • Improve your understanding of keys and harmony
  • Practice playing the same progression in multiple keys
  • Access instant Roman numeral analysis for theory learning
  • Visualize finger positions with guitar chord diagrams


What is a chord progression?

A chord progression is a sequence of chords played in order. It forms the harmonic foundation of a song.

Why do I need to transpose chords?

Transposing makes songs easier to sing or play. For example, a song in C may be too high for a singer, so you can move it to A or G to fit their vocal range.

Will this work for all chord types?

Yes. The transposer supports major, minor, seventh, diminished, augmented, and more. It recognizes standard chord notations commonly used in pop, rock, and jazz music.

Can I use this on mobile or tablet?

Absolutely. The tool is fully responsive and works on most modern devices and browsers.

What if my chord has a slash (e.g., C/G)?

Slash chords are supported. The tool will transpose both parts of the chord accurately.

What is Roman numeral analysis?

Roman numerals help you understand the chord’s role in a key. For example, in C major, the chord G is the V chord (dominant). This is useful for learning and writing music.

Helpful Tips

  • If you’re unsure of your song’s key, try starting with the first and last chord—it’s often the tonic (I).
  • Enable Roman numerals to spot common progressions like I–IV–V or ii–V–I.
  • Prefer flat notation if you're working in flat-heavy keys like F or Bb.
  • Click on chords to hear them—great for ear training and quick previews.

Final Thoughts

The Chord Transposer saves time and builds confidence. It helps you explore music in any key without needing to memorize every interval. Whether you’re prepping for a jam session, writing your own music, or just learning, this tool is here to make it easier and more enjoyable.