Music Interval Calculator

Category: Music

Calculate, analyze, and listen to musical intervals. This calculator helps you identify intervals between notes, understand their harmonic relationships, and explore their use in musical compositions.

Enter Notes

Analysis Options

Common Intervals

Understanding Musical Intervals

What is a Musical Interval?

A musical interval is the difference in pitch between two notes. Intervals are the building blocks of melody and harmony in music. They are named based on two properties:

  • Quality: Perfect, Major, Minor, Augmented, or Diminished
  • Number: The count of staff positions from one note to another (1=Unison, 2=Second, etc.)
Interval Types

Intervals are classified by their harmonic quality:

  • Perfect Intervals: Unison (P1), Fourth (P4), Fifth (P5), and Octave (P8)
  • Major/Minor Intervals: Seconds (M2/m2), Thirds (M3/m3), Sixths (M6/m6), and Sevenths (M7/m7)
  • Augmented/Diminished: When perfect intervals are raised/lowered a semitone, or major intervals are raised or minor intervals are lowered
Consonance and Dissonance

Intervals can be categorized by how they sound together:

  • Perfect Consonance: Unison, Octave, Perfect Fifth
  • Imperfect Consonance: Major and Minor Thirds and Sixths
  • Dissonance: Seconds, Sevenths, Tritone (Augmented Fourth/Diminished Fifth)

In musical contexts, consonant intervals sound stable and resolved, while dissonant intervals create tension that typically seeks resolution.

Interval Inversion

When you invert an interval, you move the lower note up an octave (or the higher note down an octave). Interval inversions follow these rules:

  • The number of the inverted interval = 9 - original interval number
  • Perfect intervals remain perfect when inverted
  • Major intervals become minor when inverted (and vice versa)
  • Augmented intervals become diminished when inverted (and vice versa)
Tuning Systems

Different tuning systems define intervals slightly differently:

  • Equal Temperament: Each semitone is exactly the same size (100 cents). This is the standard modern tuning but creates slight deviations from pure ratios.
  • Just Intonation: Intervals are based on simple whole-number ratios, giving pure consonances but varying semitone sizes.
  • Pythagorean Tuning: Based on perfect fifths (3:2 ratio), giving pure perfect intervals but problematic thirds.

What Is the Music Interval Calculator?

The Music Interval Calculator is an interactive tool that helps you understand the distance between two musical notes. It identifies the name of the interval, how many semitones apart the notes are, and their frequency relationship. You can also hear the notes played together or separately, and see visual representations on a piano and musical staff.

Why Use This Tool?

This calculator is useful for musicians, educators, and students who want to:

  • Quickly identify intervals between any two notes
  • Understand how intervals sound and function in music
  • Compare tuning systems like Equal Temperament, Just Intonation, and Pythagorean tuning
  • Learn about harmonic relationships and how intervals are used in melodies and chords
  • Visualize intervals on a staff and piano layout

How to Use the Calculator

Follow these simple steps to calculate and explore musical intervals:

  • Select the first and second notes by choosing a note name and octave for each.
  • Choose analysis options such as whether to play the notes and display enharmonic equivalents.
  • Pick a tuning system from Equal Temperament, Just Intonation, or Pythagorean.
  • Set the reference pitch for A4 (default is 440 Hz).
  • Click ā€œCalculate Intervalā€ to see the interval name, semitones, frequency ratio, and cents.
  • Use preset buttons to instantly explore common intervals like a major third or perfect fifth.
  • Click ā€œPlay Intervalā€ to hear the notes.
  • Click ā€œInvert Intervalā€ to flip the interval and understand its inversion.

Formula for Interval in Cents

\( \text{Cents} = 1200 \times \log_2\left(\frac{f_2}{f_1}\right) \)

This formula calculates the distance between two notes in cents, a unit that measures musical pitch intervals. \( f_1 \) and \( f_2 \) are the frequencies of the first and second note.

Key Features

  • Accurate interval identification across octaves
  • Audio playback of intervals (single notes and combined)
  • Enharmonic spelling options for more clarity in notation
  • Real-time staff notation for visual learners
  • Piano keyboard visualization to see note placement
  • Tuning comparison table to explore how different systems affect pitch


Using this calculator can help you:

  • Train your ear by hearing how different intervals sound
  • Improve your understanding of music theory
  • Compose and arrange music with more harmonic clarity
  • Teach students how intervals function and are classified

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a musical interval?

An interval is the pitch difference between two notes. Itā€™s described by the number of scale steps and its quality (like major, minor, perfect).

Can I hear the intervals?

Yes. When ā€œPlay Notes on Calculateā€ is checked, the notes are played automatically. You can also click ā€œPlay Intervalā€ to hear them again.

What are tuning systems?

Tuning systems affect the frequency relationships between notes. Equal Temperament divides the octave into equal parts. Just Intonation and Pythagorean tuning use mathematical ratios for purer harmonies.

What are enharmonic equivalents?

These are different note names that sound the same, like Cā™Æ and Dā™­. The calculator shows these when the option is enabled.

Is this tool suitable for beginners?

Yes. Itā€™s easy to use and provides visual, written, and audio feedback, making it great for learners at any level.

Final Thoughts

The Music Interval Calculator is a practical tool to explore, hear, and understand the relationships between musical notes. Whether you're learning music theory, composing, or teaching, this tool brings intervals to life in a simple and interactive way.