Crude Oil Conversion Calculator

Category: Other Finance

Convert between different units of crude oil measurement, such as barrels, metric tons, gallons, and cubic meters. The calculator accounts for API gravity to provide more accurate conversions.

Conversion Settings

Value to Convert

Conversion Results

Barrels (bbl)
Metric Tons (mt)
Cubic Meters (m³)
US Gallons (gal)
Liters (L)

About the Conversion

Density: 850 kg/m³ (35.0° API)

Conversion factors based on the selected API gravity and standard industry conversions.

What Is the Crude Oil Conversion Calculator?

The Crude Oil Conversion Calculator is a tool that helps users convert between various crude oil measurement units, including barrels, metric tons, cubic meters, US gallons, and liters. It provides accurate conversions by considering the API gravity of the crude oil, which affects the oil's density and overall volume-to-mass relationships.

Why API Gravity Matters

API gravity is a scale used to describe the relative density of petroleum liquids. It directly influences how much a certain volume of crude oil will weigh, making it an essential factor in conversions between mass and volume units.

API Gravity Formula:
\( \text{API Gravity} = \left( \frac{141.5}{\text{Specific Gravity}} \right) - 131.5 \)

Density Calculation from API Gravity:
\( \text{Density (kg/m}^3\text{)} = \left( \frac{141.5}{\text{API Gravity} + 131.5} \right) \times 999.016 \)

How to Use the Calculator

Follow these steps to perform a conversion:

  • Select the type of crude oil or choose "Custom API Gravity" to enter a specific value.
  • Choose the unit you want to convert from (e.g., barrels, metric tons).
  • Enter the quantity you want to convert.
  • Click the "Calculate" button to view the equivalent values in other units.
  • Click "Reset" to clear the form and start a new calculation.

Key Features

  • Supports five common crude oil units: barrels, metric tons, cubic meters, US gallons, and liters.
  • Accounts for the specific API gravity of the crude oil for accurate results.
  • Includes preset options for common crude types like Light, Medium, Heavy, and Extra Heavy.
  • Displays real-time calculations with easy-to-read results.
  • Provides background information to help you understand the data.

How This Tool Can Help You

This calculator is useful for professionals and individuals who need to work with crude oil data in multiple units. It helps in:

  • Preparing accurate trade documentation and shipping manifests.
  • Converting inventory between mass and volume-based storage systems.
  • Calculating refinery input and output volumes more efficiently.
  • Complying with reporting standards that require specific measurement units.
  • Estimating fuel volumes during transportation and storage planning.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What units can I convert between?

You can convert between barrels (bbl), metric tons (mt), cubic meters (m³), US gallons (gal), and liters (L).

What is API gravity?

API gravity is a measure of how heavy or light petroleum liquids are compared to water. It helps determine the density of the crude oil.

Do I need to know the API gravity?

No, the calculator offers preset values for typical crude types. However, if you know the exact API gravity, you can enter it manually for greater accuracy.

Why does density matter in conversions?

Density affects how a volume of oil translates into weight and vice versa. Different densities will produce different results for the same volume or mass.

Is this calculator suitable for commercial use?

Yes, it can assist in a wide range of practical scenarios like trading, logistics, refining, and reporting.


The Crude Oil Conversion Calculator is a practical tool for converting oil measurements accurately using real-world density factors. Whether you're managing crude oil logistics, handling trade documentation, or just curious about conversion relationships, this tool provides fast and reliable answers in just a few clicks.