Resistor Calculator
Category: PhysicsCalculate resistor values using color bands or determine the color bands for a given resistance value. This calculator supports 4-band, 5-band, and 6-band resistors with temperature coefficients.
Select Operation
Resistor Type
What Is the Resistor Calculator?
The Resistor Calculator is a practical tool that helps you determine a resistor's value based on its color bands, or vice versa. It supports standard 4-band, 5-band, and 6-band resistors, making it easy to decode resistance values without the need for manual charts or electrical measuring tools.
Whether you're identifying a resistor in a circuit or planning components for a new project, this calculator simplifies the process and improves accuracy.
Key Features
- Convert color bands to resistance values instantly
- Find correct color bands for a specific resistance value
- Support for 4-band, 5-band, and 6-band resistors
- Includes tolerance and temperature coefficient options
- Visual resistor diagram for easier understanding
- Step-by-step breakdown of each calculation
How to Use the Calculator
You can choose between two main operations:
1. Colors to Resistance Value
- Select "Colors to Resistance Value" at the top
- Pick the resistor type (4, 5, or 6 bands)
- Use the dropdowns to select each color band
- Click "Calculate" to view the resistance, tolerance, and (if applicable) temperature coefficient
2. Resistance Value to Colors
- Select "Resistance Value to Colors"
- Enter the resistance value and unit (Ω, kΩ, or MΩ)
- Choose the tolerance and temperature coefficient (if needed)
- Click "Calculate" to see the matching color bands
Formula for Resistor Calculation
R = (D1 × 10 + D2) × Multiplier ± Tolerance%
R = (D1 × 100 + D2 × 10 + D3) × Multiplier ± Tolerance%
(6-Band includes an additional temperature coefficient in ppm/°C)
Why This Tool Is Useful
This calculator helps you quickly verify resistor values without the need for decoding charts or formulas by hand. It's especially useful when:
- Working on electronics repairs or builds
- Learning electronics and practicing resistor identification
- Checking the accuracy of resistors in your parts collection
- Teaching students about resistor color codes and value interpretation
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do the color bands mean?
Each color represents a digit, a multiplier, or a tolerance. In 6-band resistors, there's also a temperature coefficient band.
What’s the difference between 4, 5, and 6-band resistors?
- 4-Band: 2 digits, multiplier, and tolerance
- 5-Band: 3 digits, multiplier, and tolerance
- 6-Band: Same as 5-band with an extra band for temperature coefficient
What is a temperature coefficient?
It shows how much the resistance value changes with temperature, measured in ppm/°C (parts per million per degree Celsius). Lower values mean more stability.
Do I need to know all resistor codes?
No. This calculator is designed so you don’t have to memorize anything. Just select or input what you know, and it does the rest.
Can I visualize the resistor?
Yes. The calculator provides a visual representation based on your selections, which helps with learning and validation.
Final Notes
The Resistor Calculator saves time and removes the guesswork when working with resistors. It's an efficient solution for anyone involved in electronics—from beginners to professionals.
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