Convert Gallons to Cubic Feet

Category: Various Measurements/Units

Convert gallons to cubic feet effortlessly. Enter your volume below.

Gallons to Cubic Feet Conversion Calculator

Use this Gallons to Cubic Feet Conversion Calculator to quickly and accurately convert volumes from gallons to cubic feet. Whether you're working on a DIY project, a construction job, or simply trying to understand volume measurements, this tool provides an effortless way to get precise results.

What is Gallons to Cubic Feet Conversion?

Gallons and cubic feet are common units of volume measurement. While a gallon is typically used in the United States to measure liquid volumes, a cubic foot is a unit used for larger three-dimensional spaces. Converting between these units is necessary when comparing liquid capacities to larger spatial measurements.


The formula to convert gallons to cubic feet is:

\[ \text{Cubic Feet} = \text{Gallons} \times 0.133681 \]

Here, 1 gallon is approximately equal to 0.133681 cubic feet.

How to Use the Calculator

  • Enter the volume in gallons in the input field.
  • Click the Calculate button to get the equivalent volume in cubic feet.
  • To clear the input and start over, click the Clear button.

Example Conversion

If you want to convert 7.5 gallons to cubic feet:

  1. Enter "7.5" in the input field.
  2. Click Calculate.
  3. The result will display: 7.5 gallons is approximately 1.0056 cubic feet.


1. What is the conversion factor from gallons to cubic feet?

The conversion factor is 0.133681. This means 1 gallon equals 0.133681 cubic feet.

2. Can this calculator handle decimal values?

Yes, the calculator accepts decimal values, allowing precise conversions.

3. Is the conversion the same for all types of gallons?

This tool is designed for US liquid gallons. Conversions for other types, such as imperial gallons, require different factors.

4. What are some common uses for this conversion?

Gallons to cubic feet conversions are frequently used in construction, shipping, plumbing, and landscaping to measure liquid volumes in relation to spatial dimensions.

Benefits of Using This Calculator

  • Saves time by providing instant conversions.
  • Ensures accuracy with precise calculation methods.
  • User-friendly interface suitable for all skill levels.

Start converting gallons to cubic feet today with this easy-to-use tool!